PPLH Mangkubumi – Waste management is not only a problem in urban areas. In other places, such as on the beach, for example, rubbish is also a persistent problem. For this reason, the Regent of Tulungagung, Syahri Mulyo, held a clean Gemah beach located in Keboireng Village, Besuki District, Tulungagung. Tuesday, (21/2/2017) in the framework of National Waste Care Day.
This activity, which was initiated by BLH (Badan Lingkungan Hidup) or Environmental Agency of Tulungagung Regency, has the theme “Implementing Integrated Waste Management from Mountains, Rivers, Cities, Beaches, to the Sea to Realize Clean Waste 2020”.
In addition to involving SKPD (Satuan Kerja Pemerintah Daerah) or Regional Government Work Units throughout Tulungagung Regency, students from elementary, junior high and high schools were also participated as well as many youth communities ranging from motorbike communities to nature lovers communities. There are at least more than 20 communities of Tulungagung children who are involved in this beach cleanup event.

In his remarks, the Regent of Tulungagung, Syahri Mulyo reiterated the importance of maintaining clean garbage in the sea. “In 2015, there were 187.2 tonnes of waste recorded per year in Indonesia’s seas. This means that Indonesia is the second largest supplier of marine waste after China, “he said. He also delivered a slogan that is, “My ancestors were sailors, not throwing garbage in the sea”.

PPLH Mangkubumi as a non-governmental organization committed to environmental problems certainly does not want to be left behind in taking part. With the hope that this good habit will not just happen immediately, but will become a habit in the fight against garbage.