“LOGGING MONITORING” is a channel for complaints for indigenous/local communities and civil society in Indonesia who find indications of violations of the implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) and indications of forestry violations. This channel is expected to become an interactive information medium that has not been available so far. In the Timber Legality Verification System, there are 4 (four) legality principles that must be fulfilled, namely licensing, raw materials and production, marketing as well as employment and K3 (occupational safety and health). To follow up on the findings, please open the following link:

Illegal logging, distribution and trade in illegal timber have had a direct impact on indigenous / local communities, including: ecological crises that often take the form of natural disasters; loss of livelihoods due to closure of access (enclosure) or even dispossession of forestry business actors; as well as the emergence of conflicts and human rights violations.
The Mangkubumi Environmental Education Center (PPLH) will record, verify, classify and review each incoming report, which will then be followed up in the form of a complaint report to the Certification Institution, National Accreditation Committee, and or law enforcement institutions.

If there are problems in filling out this form, please contact the admin at:
Phone No. : 081908961102
Email : pplhmangkubumijatim@gmail.com
Website : www.pplh-mangkubumi.or.id