Press Release | The Mangkubumi Environmental Education Center (PPLH) as an environmental organization that has been critical of the gove
rnment has been disappointed and objected to the actions of the Tulungagung District Government (tree cutting was allegedly carried out by the Public Works Agency of Binamarga) which cut down trees on the edge of Diponegoro road and trees in Tulungagung city PPLH Mangkubumi Director Muhammad Ichwan said that even if the aim of cutting down trees by the Regional Government is to prevent trees from falling when it rains and colds it is a pragmatic reason and also injures the attributes of Tulungagung Regency as a green city and a city that has achieved complete adipura. It should not be cleared completely, but the related agency identified tree species that are prone to falling due to age and condition of trees whose roots rise to the surface of the ground, just cut down the trees, unlike what we see now, the local government immediately clears the roadside trees, especially on Jl. Diponegoro and around Tulungagung square. Unfortunately, all the trees that have been shaded are cut down, the trees in urban areas have a very vital function as controlling air pollution, a source of oxygen and absorbing ground rainwater during the rainy season. The local government of Tuungagung should prioritize innovative ways of preventing trees from falling, but not by cutting up trees.
Muhammad Ichwan said that the task of PU is to repair roads, the task of DKP (gardening) to make green roadsides with plants … how can this not be a synergy? Our government has not changed … separate ways. not able to work together, still low ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS.

In connection with the above matters, the Mangkubumi Center for Environmental Education (PPLH) states the following attitude:
1. The Center for Environmental Education (PPLH) Mangkubumi firmly rejects and is disappointed at the action of the related Service to cut down trees on the side of the road, this action contradicts the commitment of Tulungagung Regency as a Green City and has won the Adipura plenary for 6 consecutive times.
2. Ask the Regent of Tulungagung to order the Agency in charge of cutting down trees on the roadside, even if they are cut down based on the age of the trees and the condition of the trees that are prone to falling because their roots rise on the ground
3. Mendesak Bupati bersama Pimpinan DPRD untuk duduk bersama menyusun draf Perda Perlindungan pohon yang disertai sangsi bagi pelanggar perda termasuk Pemerintah apabila melanggar perda tersebut.
4. Mendesak Bupati Tulungagung untuk memerintahkan Dinas yang membidangi pertamanan untuk segera mengindentifikasi jenis, dan jumlah pohon yang rawan tumbang saat hujan dan aing kencang serta mengasuransikan semua pohon-pohon diperotaan, agar bila ada pohon yang roboh sehingga mengakibatkan korban, maka pemerintah dapat memberikan asuransi terhadap korban
5. Mendesak Pemda segera menanami kembali ruas jalan yang kini gersang dan panas akibat di tebang habis pohonnya, dengan tanaman yang adaptif dengan cuaca ektrim misalnya pohon asem
Tulungagung 17 Februari 2017
Muhammad Ichwan – Direktur Exsekutif PPLH Mangkubumi
Contact person: 081-335175892