Islam does not only regulate mahdhah worship, Islam also regulates ghairu mahdhah worship. Islam cares about social values. Islam regulates the rhythm of the social life of its people through many aspects. What is clear, Islam does not move in the space of spirituality alone, Islam also regulates the relationship mu’amalah bil ma’ruf (social hub in a good way).
From the historical-sociological approach, many of the life histories of the Prophet and his friends also involve environmental aspects. One of them is in the war agreement, that in warfare no one is allowed to destroy crops and trees. From the perspective of the Qur’an, that the Koran does not only discuss legal and social issues. In the Koran, there are also many Kauniyah verses in which discuss about nature and the environment.
The momentum of the Ramadan Fast is very important in order to protect and care for the environment. As the guidance of the Prophet SAW, when fasting we are encouraged to increase worship. One of them is being friendly with nature as natural natural minerals. Likewise, the moment of Ramadan prevents us from damaging the environment because it is an unjust act.