The Mangkubumi Environmental Education Center or Pusat Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH) urged the Regent of Tulungagung to immediately draft a Regent Regulation or Peraturan Bupati (PERBUP) regarding the prohibition of disposing of garbage in rivers, this PERBUB is very urgent and important to save the existence of rivers in Tulungagung. The results of monitoring by the PPLH Mangkubumi Team in the last 2 months that the rivers in Tulungagung Regency were filled with garbage in the form of baby diapers, sanitary napkins and plastic types of waste, this was conveyed by the Director of PPLH Mangkubumi Muhammad Ichwan when contacted by the Tulungagung Times.
Muhammad Ichwan said regarding PERBUP (Regent Regulation) about the prohibition of throwing garbage in the river. The Perbup not only provides sanctions for violators, but also provides incentives for residents who are willing to report and dare to do * OTT (hand catching operations) * for actors disposing of garbage in the river.
Example of a Village Regulation (PERDES) on Hand-Catching Operation (OTT) for waste disposal in rivers in Doko Village, Kediri Regency which can be replicated in the Tulungangung Regency Railway (Doc, PPLH Mangkubumi)
The idea of making the Regent Regulation was made because of his concern with the condition of the river which was filled with garbage, including rivers that cross the Kalidawir sub-district, Bandung, Besuki including rivers in the city of Tulungagung.
As an illustration, the condition of rivers in the regency is very apprehensive. Namely due to high sedimentation. In addition, the river is also filled with garbage and shrubs that thrive in the river body.
As a result, the river becomes shallow and when it rains the water discharge overflows and floods people’s houses, which has happened in Kalidawir District.