Press Release
Center for Environmental Education (PPLH) Mangkubumi
About Social Forestry in Arel Perhutani
Based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 39 of 2017
President Jokowi’s administration is developing a new approach to address some of the main problems of peasant poverty. The main problems of farmers are assets and access. The problem of farmer assets is related to the absence of land and limited land, thus creating a line of farmers who lacked land, farmers with land under 0.5 hectares. This condition causes farmers not to have sufficient production tools to produce economies of scale, but only subsistence. Farmers’ access problems concern the farmer’s ability to access production capital including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs, production technology and post-production in the form of markets. This group of poor farmers lives in most of the forest area.
The President’s Nawacita (Nine Main Agenda in Sanskrit), furthermore stated in the 2015-2019 RPJMN (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional) or The National Medium-term Development Plan, explicitly mentions a program to overcome farmer poverty through the 12.7 million hectare social forestry program, in which there is a social forestry scheme in Java. Social forestry is intended to solve the problem of assets by providing land for production from forest areas that have not been closed for more than 5 years, with an average area of farmers with an economic scale of production, not subsistence anymore. This asset is provided for a sufficient period of time to provide a guarantee / guarantee of 35 years. This provision is conditional in the form of a permit for the use of Social Forestry Forests or Ijin Pemanfataan Hutan Perhutanan Sosial (IPHPS), namely monitoring, evaluation, and prohibition of non-trading..
The access program is provided by creating a “meet the need” scheme like the one developed by Rejo Semut Ireng and its network, namely the facilitation to bring together smallholders and providers of sources of capital, technology and markets. The access scheme encourages various Ministries / Agencies, BUMN (State-owned enterprises), and the private sector to work together with farmers in order to increase significant economic growth.
This asset and access approach through social forestry is intended to:
1. Encouraging farmer-based economic growth around the future forest
improve farmer welfare
2. Efforts to restore forest area cover.
3. Conflict resolution efforts
In order to accommodate these three things the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry issued the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 39 of 2017 concerning Social Forestry Forest Utilization Permits in the Working Area of Perum Perhutani, abbreviated as P.39 / 2017.
The Center for Environmental Education (PPLH) Mangkubumi argues that this regulation has brought fresh air for the following matters:
1. P.39 / 2017 changes the conflict area which has been stigmatized both illegally and
crime becomes an area of legal recognition and certainty;
2. P.39 / 2017 is an approach to new production patterns of forest use
3. systematic and measurable (tangible) with a production economy oriented,
4. Furthermore, it can be expected that there will be a significant increase in community welfare
5.P.39 / 2017 is an effort to restore community-based forest cover in
forest areas that are already damaged, empty or bare;
7. P. 39/2017 gives priority to land use to landless farmers
farmers who own land under 0.5 hectares;
8. P.39 / 2017 opens the expansion of forest area management institutions by groups
forest farmers, farmer group associations, and cooperatives;
9. P39 / 2017 opens a forest area-based production management approach instead
solely a village administration based approach;
10. P.39 / 2017 is an approach to the management of production and restoration of forest areas with intensive assistance by assistants, so that the restoration of forest areas
and the production performance of forest area farmers can actually be monitored
11. P.39 / 2017 opens a new approach to the choice of plant commodities in utilization
forest area according to technical and sociological considerations;
12. P.39 / 2017 is a practical manifestation of the fifth principle of Pancasila,
Social justice for all the people of Indonesia.
Based on the foregoing, we, the Mangkubumi Center for Environmental Education (PPLH) express our full support for the enactment of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No.39 of 2017.
Tulungagung, September 2, 2017
Muhammad Ichwan
Director of PPLH Mangkubumi