“Now we are independent. In Boyolali there are already two independent villages. We got IPHPS (Izin Pemanfaatan Hutan Perhutanan Sosial) or (Social Forestry Forest Utilization Permit), we are no longer colonized, ”said Jundy Wasonohadi, a companion of farmer groups in Gondanglegi and Wonoharjo Villages, Boyolali, East Java, while giving out his heart in front of Minister Siti Nubaya, during the forestry implementation action plan event. social media for economic equality in Jakarta, last week.
Jundy said that their farmer group has proposed an area of 900 hectares for 670 families, only 33 hectares or 59 families can be managed. During President Joko Widodo’s visit on November 4, 2017, it increased to 433 hectares for 403 families.
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However, their farmer groups are still confused. “We cannot say it because what we are working on is only corn. Some of the lands that we have proposed have been planted with Perhutani (Perusahaan Hutan Negara Indonesia) or (Indonesian State Forest Company). ”
The farmer groups that Jundy represent, are two of the 22 forest village community groups and institutions that have recently received permits to use social forestry forests IPHPS (Izin Pemanfaatan Hutan Perhutanan Sosial) or (Social Forestry Forest Utilization Permit) from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Starting November 1, the President has a road show to 22 regions in West Java, Central Java and East Java, to grant these permits.
The President handed over permits to manage these residents in Muara Gembong, Bekasi (1 November 2017), Probolinggo (2 November 2017), Boyolali (4 November 2017), and Madiun (6 November 2017).
As of this November, the achievements of social forestry are 1,092,758.4 hectares, 9,550.15 hectares or 5,915 families in Java, using the IPHPS scheme. The rest, with the scheme of customary forests, partnerships, community plantation forests, community forests and village forests.
Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Environment and Forestry said that the submission of IPHPS was a concrete step for the Jokowi administration. After giving permission, there is a session of farmers telling stories, exchanging ideas, current information and the situation in the field. Furthermore, there will be discussion of business work plans according to their respective potential.
The farmers were enthusiastic about giving exposure and giving out their hearts about field problems. There is a matter of permits that does not cover all farmers, illegal logging, and capital complaints.
“Regarding financing, we have a KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat) or (people’s business credit) which is up to five months, it can be borrowed for corn, other crops are difficult, for example, for cocoa and porang,” said Agus Purwanto, Budi Waluyo Farmer Group, Dungus Village, Madiun. .
Similar to Sujoko, the Berani Wetan Farmer Group, Probolinggo, which is hampered by planting sengon because they do not have a loan.
“It will be the rainy season, many cultivators are making holes to plant sengon.” He is also worried about the bank’s distrust of farmers and Perhutani.
Siti said, farmers who get this management permit can get KUR priority. This year’s interest is 9%, 2018 KUR for farmers has decreased to 7%.
“We give a grace period of two weeks for the entire verification process, so that farmers can immediately apply for KUR and immediately plant,” he said.
Siti invited other ministries and institutions and BUMN, such as Perhutani, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of BUMN and banks to attend.
He hopes that not only can capital be overcome, but the residents’ agricultural products can also get a market.
The residents also talked about the illegal logging still happening. Marsudi, Nganduk Village, Wonoreso Forest Village Community Organization, Madiun, there are still obstacles in managing the forest sustainably due to various problems such as illegal logging, illegal burning and illegal hunting.
Marsudi looked for ways to reduce these various problems. He tried to offer other jobs, for example, inviting them to find firewood, plant cassava and corn and join his institution. Another problem arises when the harvest prices drop and make farmers sluggish.
Marsudi’s group also created an integrated farm between rice fields and livestock. Usually, he said, after harvesting a lot of straw which can be useful for livestock nutritious food.
Another effort, through the use of small dams as natural fishing. Unfortunately, due to the limited number of people handling, these activities did not continue.
There are many potentials and work plans brought by the farmers from their respective areas. The same hope is to get welfare and certainty of access to their land to remain productive.Siti listened enthusiastically and responded to residents’ complaints. “I ask for help not to leave anyone left. Pak President asked me how to make people have hope and optimism, “he said.
According to Siti, in Java, there is a potential for 400,000 hectares of land to get access to social forestry through IPHPS, 260,000 hectares in East Java, 180,000 hectares in West Java, 60,000 hectares in Central Java.
The biggest challenge for social forestry, he said, is land, which is mostly in conflict areas. “We are not only entering an empty area but also in conflict.”
He hopes that assistants and evaluators can become a driving force, so that the objectives of this program are achieved in the welfare of the peasant people.
Siti asked each farmer group to know principles, for example, a zoning work plan and compiling a work plan in maps. Later, the plot will calculate the potential land distribution. “I ask for multiples of 0.25 hectares, between 1-2 hectares.”
Bambang Supriyanto, Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships, said there were discussions and the formation of a work plan in accordance with the potential of each region that was economically beneficial and sustainable.
“This permit is up to 35 years, at least there is a plan to use it in the next 10 years,” he said, starting from nurseries to marketing.
Noer Fauzi Rachman, Main Special Staff of the Head of the Presidential Staff Office, explained that social forests can be created if farmers gain independence from land control. As for the management of the land, there is mutual agreement in land use from time to time.
“The production system should not be exploitative, the position of the assistant is to bridge.”
by Lusia Arumingtyas
Source: mongabay.com